1. Water

When it comes to cats, they are creatures who can go a long time without water, but, at the same time, water happens to be one of the essential nutrients for them. So without sufficient water, their metabolic system cannot work properly. You can keep your cat well hydrated by feeding them wet cat food over dry cat food. Yes, dry cat food lasts longer, but it doesn’t provide your fur child with the right amount of water. We also suggest that you include meat in their regular diet as meat contains high levels of water. Canned food is also a perfect option when it comes to water-rich foods. Some wet and canned food can be more appealing to cats than other meals. If that’s the case with your cat, we recommend you feed them these kinds of meals more to ensure their water intake. Websites like PETstock, have all the products you need to provide a healthy diet for your cat. A cat usually needs to drink one ounce of water per pound of its body weight. So as many pounds they weigh, that many ounces of water will suffice. This water includes water from food as well as the normal water they drink every day.

2. Vitamins

This is another nutrient that is very important for cats. It provides them with carbon compounds. You can include vegetables, vegetable oil, seeds, Folic Acid, fruits, tissues of animals, grains, etc., in their daily diet to make it a nutrient-packed one. These components contain vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Choline, and Vitamin B12, etc. These components help the enzymes in a cat’s body digest food.

3. Minerals

Minerals are equally essential for your cat as any other nutrient. The various minerals help your cat grow new bones and teeth and strengthen them. In addition, they keep cats hydrated, help in digesting protein and carbohydrates, and aid in skeletal growth and skin pigmentation. Moreover, they are essential for their nervous system to work well. On top of that, minerals aid in movement and improve heart health. The minerals you should include in your cat’s diet are Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Copper, Magnesium, Iron, Selenium, Iodine, Zinc, and Manganese.

4. Protein

Proteins provide the cats with all the amino acids they need and help in basically everything. Be it skin, hair, or heart, protein is needed for the well-being of all organs and body parts. Besides, cats are carnivorous animals which makes animal meat very essential for them. Want their fur and paws to be healthy? Feed them protein. You should include protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, and beef in their meals to ensure that their tendons, cartilage, blood, and organs are all getting the protein they require.

5. Fats

They are the main nutrient that gives cats their energy and ability to regulate body temperatures. Fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6, along with natural fats from meat, make it possible for cats to absorb vitamins. Without fat, these fur animals wouldn’t have the energy to jump around the usual way they do. However, it is only good fats that are encouraged and not the unhealthy ones.

Final Thoughts

As we have come to the end of this blog, we hope to have informed you of all the nutrients that are necessary for your cat. You can include these in their diet in balanced proportions. Do consult your vet regarding your cat’s allergies before you include any ingredient or product in their diet. Let us know in the comments what you thought of this blog!

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